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God Reborn: Redefining God as The Infinite Interconnectedness of All Things

“We are all mothers of God, for God is always needing to be reborn.” ~Meister Eckhart


In the spirit of rebirth, it is our responsibility as evolved, and evolving, humans to remain diligent with our definitions regarding profound concepts. This applies especially to the concept of God.


Why is it necessary to redefine God? To absolve ourselves of our cultural conditioning. To get out from underneath our parochial ancestor’s shadow. To take out the middleman that lies between us and becoming one with all things. To get ahead of the curve of the human condition.


Redefining God as “The Infinite Interconnectedness of All Things” offers a profound shift in how we understand divinity, spirituality, and existence itself. In this sense, divinity is not separate from but is the essence of all existence.

This redefinition challenges the human tendency to compartmentalize the sacred and the mundane, suggesting instead a holistic approach to spirituality where the divine is not just present but is the fundamental nature of existence itself. This perspective can lead to a profound shift in how we perceive the world


By emphasizing interconnectedness, it reflects contemporary ecological and quantum understandings where everything in the universe is related and influences each other. Some interpretations link quantum physics with spiritual thought, suggesting that the interconnectedness or entanglement of particles might reflect a deeper unity or divine essence in all things. This perspective could foster a more holistic, empathetic approach to life, encouraging care for all beings and the environment as part of a single, sacred entity.


Traditional God concepts often portray a human-like deity, with outlandish intentions, petty emotions, and juvenile judgments. Redefining God removes the anthropomorphic element, focusing instead on an abstract, universal principle that transcends the human condition while also subsuming it.


Figures like Meister Eckhart spoke of God being in all things, suggesting a divine spark or essence within everything. In Sufism, the concept of Wahdat al-Wujud (Unity of Being) by Ibn Arabi implies that all existence is an expression of the One, with no real separation between creator and creation. And the Buddhist Non-Self of Mahayana Buddhism discusses the interdependence and emptiness of all phenomena, which can be seen akin to the idea that the essence of divinity is not separate but inherent in all things.


This redefinition is profound because when we allow that everything is interconnected, then harm to any part affects the whole. This could lead to a profound ethical shift towards sustainability, justice, and compassion, seeing all actions within a cosmic context. Harm to any part of existence could be seen as harm to the divine.


It could even alter spiritual practices. Rather than seeking divine favor or intervention, we would likely focus more on practices that enhance connection, mindfulness, and harmony with the universe. Meditation, environmental conservation, art, and science could all become forms of sacred communion with this redefined God.


It even has the potential to bridge the gap between scientific understanding and spirituality, where scientific exploration becomes a form of spiritual discovery. The laws of physics, biology, and ecology could be seen as expressions of each other in an interconnected divine order.

For those seeking a personal relationship with God, this abstract concept may at first feel impersonal or insufficient for emotional or existential comfort, but once it sinks in that everything is connected to everything else, one realizes that this includes the individual. In this way, we are all of us aspects of God 'Godding.' We are as much a part of God as a wave is a part of the ocean.


As Alan Watts said, “You are something that the whole universe is doing, in the same way that a wave is something that the whole ocean is doing.”


As such, Nietzsche’s “Death of God” can be seen in a new light: The disconnected religious God had to die for the interconnected spiritual God to emerge. The concept of God simply had to pass through a “cocoon” of nihilism. Here, God isn't merely declared dead but transformed into something that aligns with our understanding of the universe as an interconnected whole.


The parochial caterpillar God had to be annihilated for the cosmic butterfly God to arise.


Redefining God as "The Infinite Interconnectedness of All Things" offers a unifying principle that could potentially heal divides between science and spirituality while promoting ecological awareness and fostering a more compassionate global ethic.


This redefinition might not satisfy all spiritual needs, but it would serve as a powerful metaphor for understanding our place in the universe while encouraging a life lived in awareness of our deep connection with all things.


It will require a significant shift in how we approach our spiritual lives. Moving from a deity-centered to a principle-centered worldview will be difficult. It might even be painful. Waves of cognitive dissonance may come crashing down upon us. We may even experience a Dark Night of the Soul. But nothing is more important than undeceiving ourselves, especially when our goal is healthy integration, wholeness, self-actualization, and oneness with all things.


As Daniel Dennett said, “There is no polite way to suggest to someone that they have devoted their life to a folly.”

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About the Author:

Gary Z McGee, a former Navy Intelligence Specialist turned philosopher, is the author of Birthday Suit of God and The Looking Glass Man. His works are inspired by the great philosophers of the ages and his wide-awake view of the modern world.


This article (God Reborn: Redefining God as The Infinite Interconnectedness of All Things) was originally created and published by Self-inflicted Philosophy and is printed here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Gary Z McGee and It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this statement of copyright.



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